Кафедра травматологии, ортопедии и военно-полевой хирургии
Студенческий научный кружок 

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Dear colleagues!

RGMU - conducting medical High School of Russia from which walls 1200-1300 young doctors of various specialities annually leave. One of directions of specialization of High School - traumatology and orthopedy. Already about 3 rates the students, decided to become traumatologists and orthopedists, are engaged in SSC – Student Sientific Club faculties traumatology and orthopedy. The basic purpose of these employment - is closer to get acquainted with the chosen speciality. With this purpose sessions SSC, departures other clinics will regularly be carried out. Students together with doctors are on duty in clinics, help in realization of medical manipulations. Forces SSC will regularly spend student's scientific conferences on which members SSC share results of the activity. But, unfortunately, up to the present moment students of our club had no opportunity to exchange experience with the foreign colleagues.

         On our faculty the set of scientific - practical researches and works devoted to the major problems of modern traumatology and orthopedy which remain actual not only in territory of the Russian Federation, but also and in other countries will be carried out. Only incomplete list to what works already executed on our faculty are devoted:

  • Handsurgery

  • Treatment of crises of calcaneal bone

  • Enodoprtic of large joints

  • Artroscopy Etc.

In performance of the majority of these scientific researches students our scientific a mug took part. They did the big work on selection of the Russian and foreign literature on necessary themes, realization of statistical researches the received data, work with patients in conditions of a reception and a hospital, assist to employees of faculty at various operative interventions, independent realization of simple medical manipulations. All students included in our club actively participate in scientific - practical activities of the faculties which and many of them took part in the student's scientific conferences organized at participation of our faculty in various cities of the Russian Federation.

The policy of our faculty is directed on expansion of scientific communications and to an establishment of the academic contacts to High Schools of other countries. Especially we are interested in an establishment of professional and friendly contacts to the English and American Medical Universities, Medical Faculties, the University clinics, orthopedy engaged in problems of traumatology. At performance of scientific works we refer to the data, resulted the English and American scientists, a line of scientific works of the English and American authors is translated  into Russian. The methods described in the given works, with success are applied today in scientific and practical activities of the faculty.

In this connection great interest represents for us and our students an opportunity of an exchange of experience with the English and American colleagues and the conclusions of contracts about the academic cooperation. We invite the English and American students and young doctors to visit us and our clinic with the purpose of acquaintance with work of the Russian doctors and achievement of the Russian medicine.

We look forward to your letters!

Student Sientific Club faculties traumatology and orthopedy.

Russian State Medical University
Department of traumatology and orthopedy
117292 Vavilova, 61
Tel:+7 (095) 135-91-64
+7 (095) 135-91-62
E-mail: conf@lycos.ru

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